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Get in Touch | 聯絡我們

我們會於Facebook和Telegram定期更新活動資訊,敬請留意我們的FB專頁/TG 頻道!我們的網上講座暫時主要透過Facebook Live舉辦,講座完畢亦會上載到圍爐傾的Youtube channel。

如對我們的組織/英國心理健康服務有任何疑問,或有興趣和我們合作/做義工,可以透過電郵/TG/FB Message 與我們聯絡,我們會儘快回覆。

We regularly update our Facebook page and Telegram channel with information about upcoming events – please keep an eye on them! Webinars are currently run through Facebook Live while completed webinars are uploaded onto our Youtube channel.

If you have any queries about our services, mental health support in the UK, or are interested in collaborating or volunteering, please contact us via email, Telegram or Facebook Message. We will get back to you as soon as we can.